Understanding Lawn Fungus

Lawn fungus is a common issue for many Texas homeowners, as it is caused by living microscopic organisms that thrive in the soil. The cold winter months in Texas can make fungus even more prone to develop, especially in shaded areas of the lawn that receive less sunlight. If you notice patches of yellow, red, or orange on your lawn, it is a sign of fungus presence. During the humid months, you may also see dollar spots, grease spots, and brown patches that indicate the presence of fungus.
There are several types of lawn fungus, including pink spot mold, leaf spot disease, fairy ring fungus, slime mold, and rust. Each type of fungus presents itself differently, with symptoms ranging from yellow or brown spots in the grass to purplish spots on the grass leaves, to a ring of brownish mushrooms in place of the grass. While some types of fungus, such as slime mold, do not harm the lawn, others, such as rust, can cause the grass to appear light green or yellowish in color. Understanding the types of fungus that can affect your lawn and the signs to look for can help you take steps to prevent and treat lawn fungus.

Tailored Services to Meet Your Needs

At our company, we understand that every lawn is unique, and we are committed to providing tailored services that meet your specific needs. Whether you have a large property or a small yard, our team will work with you to create a lawn care plan that fits your budget and meets your goals. We will take the time to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have, ensuring that you are completely satisfied with our services.